The URILife marketing system

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why UriLife? No Opportunity for Failure for those who try!

Have you ever wondered why so many people fail at network marketing?

Well, there are many reasons really, but we are going to concentrate on those who are willing to do everything their told but yet still fail. The ones who really have the desire to succeed.

and his multi Million dollar marketing system is your answer. You must have a sytem that anyone can follw. and its leaders have all the tools you need to take the reasons for failure out of the equation.

Let’s list some of the tools in the system available to you.
#1) is just not selling marketing systems to distributors...... NO! Brett’s focus is building a business just like you and I. Brett uses on a daily basis using his own systems. Think about that! This is designed for the sole purpose of making distributors successful and Brett Rademacher the creator is putting his systems to the actual test every day along with his reputation behind the system.

You can even take part in weekly video. Get trained on the mindset you need. Learn from a seven figure income earner who is willing to give away ALL his secrets.

2) has brought in the best talent from his other business ventures. The Person who designed the customer and sales call center for a previous opportunity that helped sales skyrocket due to customer care and acquisition. Joe Miller is that person and now works for creating the same type of call center. Although this time already knowing what works and what does not based on years of experience. This call center and customer care center will be even much better!

3) Radio Infomercials exploded the sales of the last company Brett was involved with. Well, The person most instrumental in acquiring, negotiating and tracking the results of the radio co ops. Is strategic partner setting up the Radio co ops with . The two years of prior trial and errors before are all recorded and verified so when Uris Radio infomercials run.... They now where to start.

4) TV infomercials. Once a gain has brought on board one of the leading experts in the TV infomercial arena to set up and manage the TV infomercials.

5) Client and distributor acquisitions... Most people do not want to talk to family friends and work associates. You should at least be telling them about the wonderful products. However, in saying that most people don’t.

Well now have set up a telemarketing call center for you. You can hire a professional telemarketer to do all the uri specific callings, qualifying leads for you for $25 per hour. has set up and trained the sales people to make these calls. One customer who joins as a distributor with 100PV is $40 commission to you.
What if they buy more? What if they really understand this business and they start buying co-op time and going to the seminars.

You see, has put in the systems for you to market for you for little money. People can even go online to order samples and you do not even have to carry supplies.

Brett has also put in place the systems for those who get it. For those who truly see the global worldwide demand that this product is going to have once the marketing begins. Those people who see business opportunity and will invest in it as a business and use the marketing systems. The marketing systems that any business owner will invest in marketing their products would do.

Join me today! Treat this as a business and it will reward you like one. You have true professionals who have become millionaires in this industry paving the way. Follow, do your part and take action and your success in being born!

I would like you to join our Team. Be trained for a leadership position and make the money of your Dreams. But you must act! Join our Team Here: Click Below to Join!


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